Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What it Means to be a Responsible Dog Owner/Guardian

What it Means to be a Responsible Dog Owner/Guardian
Responsible dog owners/guardians always pick up after their dogs. They have control of their dogs at all times, using either a leash or voice control. They are considerate of other park users, and don't let their dogs approach strangers, especially children and seniors, without permission. They are aware of where their dog is and what it is doing at all times. They control excessive barking, and don't let their dogs dig or harass wildlife.

# Dog walkers, please.... Always carry a bag, a spare, and one to share!
# Carry a leash.
# Pick up and dispose of dog waste.
# Never leave dogs unattended.
# Leash aggressive dogs.
# Control excessive noise.
# Prevent digging and destructive behavior.
# Spay/neuter pet dogs.
# Never bring female dogs in heat or pre-heat to off-leash or popular dog play areas.

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